For a more detailed list of events (including worship services and classes) view our Church Calendar.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, February 22  |  8:30 AM

Ambassador Men… Join us on Saturday, February 22 at 8:30am for a great time of food and fellowship in the Fireside Room. Please click below to RSVP so we can plan the food.

Membership Class

Sundays, February 23 & March 23  |  12:00 PM

At Ambassador, we believe walking through our membership process will give you a clear picture of what our church is about and the role you can play in this community. A commitment to a local church is not only biblical, but it is God’s way of forming mature disciples of Christ by equipping them to use their gifts and serve the body of Christ.

When you become a member of Ambassador, You have the privilege to vote on major issues of the church as outlined in the constitution. You are also able to teach and lead shepherding ministries such as small groups, Sunday School, worship, etc.

Our next round of Membership Classes will be on Sundays, February 23 and March 23 at 12:00 PM (after church). If you’re interested in membership, click below to register and we’ll reach out to you with more information.

Connection Lunch

Sunday, March 2  |  12:00 PM

Our next Connection Lunch is coming up on Sunday, March 2nd! Join us after church for a free meal and a chance to connect with each other. We’ll be providing the main dish, but we are looking for people to sign up for the following:

  • 15 sign-ups to bring Fruit (to serve 10-15 people each)
  • 15 sign-ups to bring a Dessert (to serve 10-15 people each)

Please click below to sign up for whatever you can bring and we’ll reach out to you with more information. And, even if you can’t bring anything, please come enjoy lunch with us. All are invited!

Ambassador Singles Game Night

Saturday, March 15  |  4:00 PM

If you’re single, we’d love for you to join us for an enjoyable evening of fellowship and connection every third Saturday of the month. This month, we’re hosting a Game Night on Saturday, March 15 at 4:00 PM.

Come share in a time of fun, laughter, and meaningful conversations as we grow closer to Jesus together. Feel free to bring any games you’d like to share with the group. Please take a moment to register to help with our planning the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Yard Sale Fundraiser

March 21 & 22  |  8:00 AM

Come shop our Yard Sale on Friday, March 21 & Saturday, March 22 at 8:00am! We’ll be raising money to helps end our Ambassador Youth Group to Camp Pondo this Summer.

We’ll need lots of donations and volunteers to make this happen! So start gathering up those items you’re dying to part with and we’ll let you know soon when you can start bringing them in to church for the sale.

If you’d like to volunteer to help out on 3/21, 3/22 or even the weeks prior and after for set-up or tear-down, click below to sign-up now.

Women's Tea

Saturday, March 29  |  2:00 PM

Join us for an afternoon of inspiration and fun on Saturday, March 29 at 2:00pm! All youth and women of Ambassador are invited to enjoy tea, delicious treats, and fellowship, all while fundraising for our youth summer retreat. Experience uplifting worship, a dynamic panel of speakers, a chic repeat boutique, raffle prizes, and an exclusive sneak peek into our women’s summer study.

Please click below to RSVP by Saturday, March 22 – and bring a friend!