Ambassador Church and the Kingdom of God

The seeking of the Kingdom of God is the chief business of the Christian life. – Jonathan Edwards

Our Mission: “To make the name of Jesus known”
We are members of God’s Kingdom (Colossians 1:13) and we live with the purpose of knowing and loving our king. We display his glorious kingdom and invite others to know him in the same way. When his Kingdom comes, people will know the King!

Our World View: The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God (aka the Kingdom of Heaven) was one of Jesus’ favorite topics and the leading image to communicate his mission.

  • The kingdom has “come near…believe the good news” (Mark 1:14-15)
  • We pray that “his kingdom will come” (Luke 11:2)
  • We are to “seek first his kingdom and righteousness” (Matt 6:33).
  • We explain it and proclaim it boldly (Acts 19:8, 28:23, 31)
  • We display it through peace, joy, and righteousness, etc. (Matt 5-7; Rom 14:17)
  • It is in our midst (Matt 12:28, Lk 11:20) and still to come (Matt 19:28, Rev 11:15)

Christians are in a real way part of God’s kingdom (Colossians 1:13) and represent his kingdom on earth. At Ambassador Church, we are not a community of people who just attend church, but we are a community of Ambassadors. An ambassador is a representative of a foreign “kingdom” to its host “kingdom”. Our name reminds us of our identity. We are Ambassadors for God’s kingdom who were given the mission to proclaim nearness of the Kingdom of God and implore people to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:18-20). Ambassadors of his kingdom will live differently than the world as we live out the values of heaven. We have a wonderful opportunity to love those who are lost and hurting and engage with people who are disillusioned with religion.

How to tangibly bring the Kingdom of God to Anaheim/OC?
There are at least four tangible ways we can enact and proclaim the Kingdom of God to the world and introduce them to Jesus Christ:

  1. Loving the Family of God: We are a family and we are to love each other well (Gal. 6:10).
  2. Loving The Least of These: Jesus ministered to “the least of these” and expected his church to do the same (Matt 25:31-46). When we love people made in his image, we glorify God. John made it clear that if we love God, we show it by loving people and so bring him glory (1 John 4:11).
  3. Loving our Community: God gave us dominion over the world (Gen 1:26) and we show our love for the creator by how we care for his creation. We will seek to holistically bless our community toward renewal and restoration, justice and wholeness (Jer 29:7; Jn 13:34-35).
  4. Proclaiming Jesus and His Kingdom: We must proclaim the reality of God’s kingdom and the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 28:23, 31). We desire for people to be reconciled to Jesus (2 Cor 5:20).


Why Does it Matter?
God’s kingdom is already here, but it is coming in fullness with the return of King Jesus. We have a
purpose, a sacred calling: to partner with God in the advancement of his kingdom!

Kingdom Come Videos & Sermons